About us
House Orinth is a Daggerfall Covenant county RP-guild that has a special focus on city & Noble RP. This said, we seek to provide a fun, immersive and lore-abiding role-play environment in which a person can enjoy their character and watch progression through storytelling and character interaction.
House Orinth is a noble house that is the ruling house of Fergana and the house strife developing the economy of the house and the vale, establishing contacts, and rebuilding a long lost glory.
While House Orinth is the ruling head of the county, there are many other noble houses that live in Fergana. Each of them plays their part within the vale and contributes to the prosperity of everyone within.
We provide an OOCly friendly and helpful environment for people to create their own stories. Each member of the House is valued in character and has a specific role to play.
There are many facets to our daily RP: the image and political actions of a noble house, our attempts at establishing an economic powerhouse and ensuring prosperity, the House's history, the activities of the staff and our future involvement in the overall rp community of ESO.
We encourage the idea and the pursuit of character advancement for our members within our guild and we are willing to work with you to allow that idea to become a reality in a way that everyone will find it enjoyable. Each of our members is valued in this guild and we love to help people enjoy their time and effort put into their characters in an environment in which they can prosper.
To us, we see Heavy RP as a daily rp, in which everyone can meet up any day and just RP with each other though it is not required to be there all the time. We believe in making free-form RP our focus and we believe proactive RPers are a necessity. We regularly RP in certain locations as a guild for daily RP, but we also strongly encourage you to RP whenever and wherever you wish. Our guild is not heavily based on our officers or on our events instead we believe every rper in this guild should help collaborate in making rp happen with the rest of the guild.
We believe IC actions equal IC consequences and that the most important aspect of RP is upholding the line between IC and OOC.
What kind of RP can you expect:
​House Orinth has a lot of Role-play available! We do not limit ourselves as only a noble house. The guild itself has grown way beyond that of just a noble house. While House Orinth is still a major player in our roleplay we also have other houses and organisations within our guild one can play with.
Also business RP is something the house itself does quite often as we believe a noble house cannot just be a bunch of fancy folk sipping tea, the house prides itself in trying to create trade with other guilds and organisations.
Since the house has several offices there is a lot of variety in roleplay. We try to offer as many and different kinds of roleplay but in the end we also expect our players to create the roleplay for themselves.
Age requirement:
We require that all of our members are at least 17 years old due to the fact we want to remain a friendly and mature environment and with limited drama. There can be mature content in the RP of our guild.
Lying about your age will result in immediate expulsion from the guild. Exceptions to the age limit may occur if the individual shows maturity in actions OOCly/ICly.
Zero-Tolerance Policy:
We are looking for mature players who have had experience with RP in the past or are very open minded to learn. We are pretty open to new people joining us and want new blood as much as vet's.
Though, we have zero-tolerance for people who bring OOC drama into the mix. Me and the others will not tolerate it and it will lead to expulsion from the group. We come to play this game for fun, interesting stories and to have a good time. Out of Character drama wastes energy, time and hurts the roleplay environment for everyone.
Our own RP dice system:
Our guild has their own dice system that is loosely based upon the D&D system. There is a guide written in how it all works and that step by step explained what it all does and how to work the system.
The reason we use this system is to combat Over Powered behaviour and to enhance realism and the chance of your character just having a bad day....
Info about it can be found here
