Household Offices
With every great household there are many tasks to fulfill to make sure that everything is running smoothly. To do this the household has several Offices to divide the tasks.
Below we will explain the structure of the household.
Head of the House, Lord or Lady of the Land of Fergana, is often the eldest Orinth Child of the direct line of succession. This position is the highest-ranking position in the House of Orinther.
The Council:
In essence, the ruling government of Fergana these Council members represent all others under them and are to serve at the Count or Countess' pleasure. Becoming a member of this council is an achievement not reached by most
Head of the House, Lord or Lady of the Land of Fergana, is often the eldest Orinth Child of the direct line of succession. They have a Veto on all decisions made by the Council.
Directly appointed by the Count or Countess. They are tasked with the day-to-day running of the household or even County if need be and can speak with their voice when absent.
Appointed by the Council of Eight, or in most cases the Ruling Count. They oversee Fergana's military. This position is traditionally filled by an Orinth.
Appointed by the Circle of Arch-Mages or in most cases the Ruling Count. They oversee the Mages and acquisition of knowledge and maintain the Great Orinth Library. This position is traditionally filled by an Orinth.
Appointed by the Table of Trade or in Most cases the Ruling Count. They are to oversee the income and spending of the House, as well as oversee Trade with other organizations. They are also responsible for the taxation of Fergana’s people and maintaining an intelligence network.

The Militant Office:
As any noble house they got an military office to protect the noble's and its staff.
The Militant office is also the most strict office within the household.
Head office:
Head of our military, leader of the council of Eight. Preferably always an Orinth.
The Marshall’s duties are many but first and foremost seeing that new blood comes in and overseeing training in peace times, in a war they and the council are to have Imperium over the military being able to overrule the lord or lady of Orinth only on matters of the ongoing conflict, as to make sure no tactical mistakes are made
They number eight in honor of the Aedra, led by the Marshall they with the consent of the Court elect a Marshall if none was named by the Lord or Lady of Orinth. And are to oversee the militant office as a whole and aid the Marshall
Their members consist of:
The Marshal
Leader of the council, most often an Orinth, they have a Veto on all decisions of the Council.
The Lord Commander
Ranking just below the Marshall in times of war and are to be acting-Marshall if there is no appointed Marshall. They hold command of the Land forces and are responsible for its management and recruitment. Often during the Remanic Empire, his position was held by the Imperial Governor.
The Magus General
Leader of the Battlemages they are often known to work with the Arcanrist of the Lore office and its representative. They oversee the training of Battlemages and are often an ex-member of the Lore office chosen by the Council or Marshall for their martial and magical skill.
The Admiral
Previously known as the Warden this position was transformed upon the conquest of the Non-Landlcoked area of Ficepeaks. The Admiral is to oversee the building and maintaining of the Orinth Fleet.
The Inquisitor
Previously only tasked with solving of important crimes, The Inquisitor Position as taken up most if not all of the Warden’s responsibilities. They are now also responsible for the recruiting and naming of guards and safety within the Lands of House Orinth. Aswell ads the maintaining of Prisons and roads.
The Quartermaster
The Quartermaster is to oversee provisions for the Military. These include but are not limited to, Food, Lordings, arms, armor, and gold to pay the soldiers. They are often known to work with the Chamberlain and the Representative of The Staff Office. Just like the Magus General are often picked form another office, in this case, the Staff Office
The Representative of The Staff Office
This position is tasked with overseeing the interests of the Staff Office as well as working with the Quartermaster to oversee the provisioning and fancies of the Military. They are appointed directly by the Chamberlain
The Representative of the Lore Office
This position is tasked with overseeing the interests of the Lore Office as well as working with the Magus General to oversee the Magical defenses of the Orinth estates and land. They are appointed directly by the Arcanist
Knight Commander
A person who has shown great skill and loyalty to the Orinth House and its people. They are to be given command of groups of Soldiers or ship, they work alongside the Council as officers. This is the group from which Council members are most often chosen
Once a squire has finished their training they are to be named a Knight. This group forms the main bulk of the lower-ranking officers of the House’s Military. The Knights will take squires to keep training new blood. A knight may be named a Knight Commander upon great skill in battle and Loyalty to Fergana.
Chosen from among the most skilled (And often Highborn) Soldiers of Fergana these young men and women serve under a Knight or Knight Commander, and in rare cases under a council member as an apprentice and in time might be knighted. Not all Squires Reach this point only the most skilled.
Captaincy is the lowest commissioned officer rank a soldier can receive, and is the first at which one is given their own command. A captain is granted a company to lead, and is able to make significant tactical decisions when more highly ranked officers are not present. They are still answerable to the marshal, however.
The highest rank most lowborn soldiers are likely to reach, though by no means the absolute limit of their potential, a Lieutenant has higher social status and greater responsibility than a Sergeant, though will only command soldiers in the most dire circumstances.
Once a soldier has proven themselves competent and level-headed, they may be promoted to Sergeant. A sergeant commands no soldiers, and has little autonomy, but acts as an assistant to an officer, and is often given special responsibilities by that officer.
These brave men and women serve the house and are often lowborn and uneducated but not less brave or needed, the most skilled of them are to be made into Squires and are to be given a chance to rise through the ranks.
Recruits are the newlyt drafted members for the forces of House Orinth.
Prospects are the newly drafted or applied members of the household.

The Staff Office:
They are the heart of the guild and keep the house from running smoothly, which include traders, maids, cooks, farm hands and other servants.
Head office:
Directly appointed by the Count or Countess. They are tasked with the day-to-day running of the household or even County if need be and can speak with their voice when absent.
Chamber of Commerce
They number eight in honor of the Aedra, led by the chamberlain the oversee the Staff Office and serve the house in the domestic sphere as well as the financial one.
Their members consist of:
The Steward
Leader of the Chamber of Commerce, they have a Veto on all decisions made by the Chamber.
The Chamberlain
They are to oversee the income and spending of the House, as well as oversee Trade with other organizations. They are also responsible for the taxation of Fergana’s people and maintaining the road and have access to the clergy.
The Mayor of Dragonrock
The Mayor of the capital of Dragonrock, chosen by the countess to lead the city and be in charge of the people's wellfare.
The Tarif Master
Tasked with the overseeing of the collection of taxes within the County They are also responsible for the maintaining of roads, public infrastructure and the payment of the Other offices and its members. They hold considerable power in peace, for this reason, it is seen as one of the most sought after positions within the office.
The Seneschal
As the Head servant, they are tasked with the day to day running of the Orinth Estates of House Orinth.
The duties are but not limited to overseeing enough wine and food is brought into the Estates.
They are also tasked with provisions of the cities in times of siege
The Ambassador
The Public Face of the house, for this reason, this position is held by a member of the Orinth Bloodline. The Ambassador has the responsibility of maintaining the House's public image and relations to other houses.
The Representative of The Lore Office
This position is tasked with overseeing the interests of the Lore Office as well as working with the Tarif Master to oversee the provisioning and fancies of said office. They are appointed directly by the Arcanist
The Representative of the Militant Office
This position is tasked with overseeing the interests of the Lore Office as well as working with the Magus General to oversee the Magical defenses of the Orinth estates and land. They are appointed directly by the Arcanist.
The trader reports directly to the Chamberlain and helps provide trade with other organisations.
The supplier is the one who reports directly to the tarif Master and the Chamberlain and helps collect taxes, deliver and collect goods collected from trade.
A person who is in charge of the kitchen and kitchen staff. The cook usually reports directly to the lady of the house or otherwise the housekeeper.
A person who is the HUNTSMAN of the house. He works closely with the cook to see if meat has to be delivered to the house and also accompanies the lord/lady on their hunts. They often work closely with the Gamekeeper when concerning wild animals or tracking.
A person who is responsible for the house and its appearance; in charge of all servants within the households and works closely with the Seneschal to keep things working smoothly
House Worker
A domestic worker within the household, the house worker's tasks vary wildly and they report directly to the housekeeper, who works closely with the seneschal.
Lady's Maid
The Lady’s maid is the personal assistant of the Lady of the house, they answer to the Lady of the house and otherwise to the Housekeeper.
The Valet is the personal assistant of the Lord of the house, they answer to the Lord and otherwise to the Housekeeper.
The Handyman is the one who is called when something needs to be fixed or improved around the estate.
A person who is in charge of taking care of the grounds around the estate and taking care of the animals.
A person who is in service of the house’s business. Either being hired to work the fields or to work in the mines.
Apprentices are those in learning of a career within the household. This
Prospects are the newly drafted or applied members of the household.
The Lore Office:
The office of Lore and Magicka is the office for scholars and mages within the house.
Head office:
Head of the Lore Office, Head of the Circle of Arch-Mages. Preferably always an Orinth.
The Arcanist is often the most experienced Orinth-Mage, Although of the three office’s leaders, the Arcanist is most often appointed by merit alone, and therefore at times not of the Orinth bloodline.
The duties of the Arcanist range from overseeing the Training and research of the House, as well as overseeing the Protection of Fergana form magical threats.
They number eight in honor of the Aedra, led by the Arcanist, The circle is to advise the Arcanist and when the Arcanist is absent oversee the magical interests and safety of the Hosue, it’s members and Fergana as a whole.
Their members consist of:
The Arcanist
Leader of the circle, preferably an Orinth, they have a Veto on all decisions made by the Circle.
The Spymaster
A spymaster is tasked with building, expanding and maintaining the house’s intelligence network.
As well as working with the Militant Office’s Inquisitor to solve crime and conspiracy within the Land and House.
The Medicus
The most skilled healer of the house they are to oversee the health of the Orinth Family and in times of plague they have the power to overrule the Arcanist and even the Court Council if they prove to be unable to deal with the situation.
The Elementalist
Being responsible for the safety of the Lore office they are often recruited from the Militant office’s Knights or even Knight Commanders. They are known to be the most martial of the Lore Office and will often work with the representative of the Militant Office to ensure a smooth coalition between the two in times of War.
The Archivist
As Archivist the Great Orinth Library of Ageasel falls as their first responsibility. They are to keep it clean and organized and add to their knowledge. As well as preserve what can be preserved.
The Magistrate
First and foremost the Head-Tutor of the Orinth Children, the Magistrate’s duty consists largely of educating the next generation of Orinth’s As Well as overseeing the training within the Lore office. Of all members of the Circle, save the Arcanist they are the most seen at Court.
The Representative of The Staff Office
This position is tasked with overseeing the interests of the Staff Office as well as working with the Circle’s members to oversee the provisioning and fancies of the Lore Office, They are appointed directly by the Steward.
The Representative of the Militant Office
This position is tasked with overseeing the interests of the Militant Office as well as working with the Elementalist to oversee the defenses of the Orinth estates and land. They are appointed directly by the Marshall
A person who has shown great skill and loyalty to the Orinth House and its people. They are to be given command of expeditions and advise the Circle when requested.
It from The Palentari that Circle members are recruited.
The Spies are under direct orders of the spymaster. They gather intelligence for the house and report back to him.
The Alchemists are specialists in herbs, brews , potions and poisons. They are working closely with the healers.
The healers are under direct command of the Medicus, they make sure that everyone is healthy.
Once a student has finished their education in a field of magic they are to be named a Mage of the house. This group forms the main bulk of the House’s Lore office. The Mages will take Students to keep training new blood. A Mage may be named a Palentari upon great skill in the fields of magic and Loyalty to Fergana.
Chosen from among the most skilled people of Fergana these young men and women learn under a Mage or Palentari, and in rare cases under a circle member as an apprentice and in time might be named a Mage Not all Students reach this point only the most talented.
Those with magical potential but no real training it is formed this group of Fergana’s people that Students are Chosen.
Prospects are the newly drafted or applied members of the household.
The civilian is the person who does not wish to be part of any office within the house and simply enjoy the protection of the rulers of the land.