On Evening Star 8th on the year E2 587, was the funeral of the young Count: Alain Orinth. It was a sad day for everyone in Fergana. The young count was simply too young. With only four years lived and already having to suffer the weight of the crown fit for a count.
The sun was slowly setting as the people gathered to meet the priest that was doing the last rites of the young count, Father Galen. Both lady Orinth and her brother Lord Morgan Orinth would have entered the crypts of their ancestors early to say their goodbyes to their beloved nephew.

They entered the crypts and found the dead lying peacefully in their graves. The young lord was wrapped up on the altar, for those wishing to give the lord their last farewells.
The Orinth siblings, Lady Orinth and Morgan Orinth were already inside and as the group entered the central chamber they all sat down. One by one the people came in and silently took a spot within the chamber.
The new appointed steward, Cedric Woodville and the Orinth siblings took a seat in front as the priest, father Galen, started to speak about the life of the young lord. A short lived life, one that was snuffed out too soon by the vile dealings of others.

Both the siblings got a chance to speak. Morgan Orinth was the first to speak and his words were moving. Then the Lady took a turn to speak and also her words were filled with emotion. It is hard to imagine that in only a few months time half of their family have been laid to rest and now the youngest was about to join their ancestors.

As all people who wanted to speak had said their piece, it was time to lay the young lord to rest. Since the young lord’s passing was so sudden there was no time to create a proper sarcophagus for him. But a resting place was created for him and the honor guard, along with the Orinth siblings carried the young lord to his coffin, where he would rest until he could be moved to his sarcophagus.
After that was done the Lady invited everyone to accompany them to the estate, where drinks and food were waiting and people could talk and of course also pay their respects to the living relatives. There was food and drinks till late in the night.
